Students will gain the confidence they need to take the next step by strengthening their skills in reading, writing, maths and computers in a supportive environment. Our Quick Start classes are friendly, fun and innovative, with everyone made to feel comfortable. Length of this program is dependent on the individual student.
Campus Locations
Central City Christchurch
This is the Ultimate alternative to school! Students will earn credits towards NCEA Level 1, gain an NZ Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1), and explore a range of practical study and career options.
Campus Locations
Ultimate 2.0 is designed for students continuing from Ultimate, or 16-19 year olds who may already have NCEA Level 1. This course will provide them with an NZ Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) as well as valuable life skills, employment skills, and a look into the different career and study options out there.
Campus Locations
For more information, please submit an Enquiry.