What is Fees Free?
Fees Free is a free year of tuition cover provided by the government for new learners. Fees Free is for a year of full-time study, or part-time study over more than one year. Fees Free can be used for programmes at Level 3 or higher and will provide up to $ 12,000 in course fees.
What does Fess Free study cover?
Who is eligible for Fees-Free Course?
How can I check to see if I am eligible?
You can use your National Student Number (NSN) to check your eligibility at www.feesfree.govt.nz
Do I need to apply for Fees Free when enrolling?
No, when you enrol on one of our fees free programmes we will automatically check to see if you are eligible and let you know.
Fees Free for first year study or training in only available until 31 December 2024.
Even if you are eligible for fees-free, you still may be eligible for student allowances, and can still borrow course-related costs and living costs through a student loan. For more information on student loans and allowances, visit the StudyLink website.
For more information on Fees Free CLICK HERE to read their quick guide or visit the Fees Free website.
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